Structural Steel Solutions

If you are building a new Commercial Unit, Farm Building, School or House, or if you are renovating an existing building, we can provide CE marked fabricated structural steel to meet all your requirements.

Gleeson Steel have successfully completed a wide range of high quality projects throughout Munster and Ireland over the last number of years.  These projects range from industrial buildings to fire stations, hospital refurbishments and medical facilities.

Some of the contracts that we have successfully undertaken in the past are:

Clonmel Fire StationC.H.U. Hospital, Cork
Athy Fire StationNenagh Hospital
Naas Fire StationPinewood Pharmaceuticals
Lisheen MinesClonmel Healthcare
Germinal Seeds WarehouseVetinary Clinic, Killenaule
UCC Assert Building

For specific details on these projects, please contact the office.


In house, our design team works closely with Civil Engineering Companies and Architects,  to develop structural steel solutions for sites and to ensure that all specifications are clearly identified and understood.


These solutions are then implemented on site, by our teams of qualified steel erectors, under the supervision and management of our engineers.  All our steel erectors are fully trained in on-site safety measures and procedures.  Ongoing training is a high priority for the company and is frequently reviewed.


On site Health and Safety inspections are regularly carried out by Gleeson trained personnel and also by a consultant H&S company, employed by Gleeson Steel.


Our on-site equipment include the following:


  • Genie Boom lifts
  • Teleporters
  • Cherry pickers
  • Mobile workshop, including generators, welders, drills and electric and manual hand tools.

CE Image Marking Achieved

Attainment of Execution Class 2 (EXC 2) by Gleeson Steel & Engineering Ltd

Gleeson Steel & Engineering Ltd has achieved compliance with the requirements of I.S. EN1090-1:2009+A1:2011 for CE marking of Structural Steel up to Execution Class 2 (EXC 2) which covers the fabrication of most of the structural steel used in Ireland and the UK.  This achievement follows a significant program of investment by our company in a factory production control system which covers stock management, skilled personnel, fabrication equipment and consumables together with the implementation of a regime of continuous inspection and testing of welding and painting procedures allowing us to provide you with:

  • A Factory Production Control Certificate
  • A Welding Certificate
  • A Declaration of Performance

Since 1st July 2014, it is a legal requirement for all fabricated structural steelwork delivered to site to be CE marked. In order to comply with the regulations, steelwork contractors must have an Execution Class equal to or greater than that required for a project. The design engineer is responsible for specifying the Execution Class for the structure.